Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona virus and the urgent need for Advance Care Planning

As we struggle with the uncertainty of the corona virus pandemic, it is clearly showing us the need for completing our advance directives and having those "courageous "conversations on the end of life that this blog has talked about so many times before.
Please see the blog post of 10-2-12 on "The 3 Questions" on how to have such talks in a simple practical manner.

We just do not know when we may lose our capacity to make decisions. It can happen in the blink of an eye. Thus the time to have these conversations with your loved ones is now! This is the best gift you will give them - taking the burden of decision-making off their shoulders, if ever the need arises.

The need to do this is heightened now so you may be treated according to YOUR GOALS and WISHES and NOT receive non-beneficial treatments unnecessarily, avoid stress and distress to yourself, your families and healthcare workers, decrease exposure of the virus to others and conserve resources appropriately.

Please talk to your healthcare team NOW!

I humbly offer my book "Courageous Conversations on Dying - the Gift of Palliative Care" as a great resource as well. (available on

Please be proactive and be safe.
God Bless.