Saturday, April 18, 2020

ADVANCE CARE PLANNING - the KEY to Good End of Life Living and Saving Resources As Well

April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day, so here is a reminder thought:

Imagine if every adult were to have their GOALS OF CARE conversations and Advance Care Planning right now whether they are well or sick, then only treatments that are considered beneficial, according to the goals to be achieved will be given. Many patients with severe illnesses, multiple co-morbidities, life limiting illnesses would opt for comfort care over aggressive and invasive therapies that are known to have limited benefit.  We would be doing what is right for the patient according to their goals and wishes. This simple step would save valuable resources as well including personnel, medicines, antibiotics, blood, machines (vents, dialysis) to name a few.

This can be achieved IF we do not provide any non-beneficial treatments or unwanted treatments as requested by patients whether they have the corona virus infection or not! There is unnecessary use of resources in most hospitals at any given day- even when there is no Covid-19. Palliative Care teams and ethics committees have been addressing unnecessary and burdensome treatments for decades. So, if we can prevent these conflicts from arising in the first place we will better serve our patients as well as being better stewards of our resources. 

Research shows that approximately 30% of patients in the hospital have advance directives. Improving that statistic through proactive action would greatly improve outcomes.

And most other personnel including practicing physicians besides the hospital staff can help in achieving this goal by having these conversations with their patients in a proactive fashion before they get sick.
And general public can also help by being proactive and asking their physicians.
So, please call your physician and have your Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care discussions today while you still have capacity to make decisions!! You never know when, because of illness, injury or disease, you may lose that capability. Once that happens, your family is left with making the hard decisions .
PLEASE have the conversation and give the best gift you can give your loved ones so they may have a guide to decisions based on your goals and wishes.

With prayers for peace for all. Amen

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona virus and the urgent need for Advance Care Planning

As we struggle with the uncertainty of the corona virus pandemic, it is clearly showing us the need for completing our advance directives and having those "courageous "conversations on the end of life that this blog has talked about so many times before.
Please see the blog post of 10-2-12 on "The 3 Questions" on how to have such talks in a simple practical manner.

We just do not know when we may lose our capacity to make decisions. It can happen in the blink of an eye. Thus the time to have these conversations with your loved ones is now! This is the best gift you will give them - taking the burden of decision-making off their shoulders, if ever the need arises.

The need to do this is heightened now so you may be treated according to YOUR GOALS and WISHES and NOT receive non-beneficial treatments unnecessarily, avoid stress and distress to yourself, your families and healthcare workers, decrease exposure of the virus to others and conserve resources appropriately.

Please talk to your healthcare team NOW!

I humbly offer my book "Courageous Conversations on Dying - the Gift of Palliative Care" as a great resource as well. (available on

Please be proactive and be safe.
God Bless.